Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery

Whipple's Operation: Pancreatodudenectomy for Cancer Pancreas

Hepaticojujenostomy and Pancreatojujenostomy completed

Gastrojujenostomy in progress

Resected pancreatodudenectomy specimen

Radical Cholecystectomy for Carcinoma Gallbladder

Segment 4b & 5 liver resection done by kelly clysis.

Liver bed after resection
Radical cholecystectomy for cancer gallbladder

Excised Specimen

Cut open Gall bladder filled with stones

Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma of pancreas in a 25 year old female: Patient presented with lump in left hypochondrium. CT Scan revealed a huge pancreatic tumor with solid and cystic components abutting superior mesenteric artery, abdominal aorta, inferior mesenenteric vein, kidney and splenic hilum.

Tumor exposed in lesser sac between stomach and transverse colon

Transverse colon and spleenic flexure separated from the tumor

Inferior mesenteric vein ligated

Distal pancreas transected

Body of pancreas separated from splenic vessels

Body of pancreas transected proximally

Excised spacimen of mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of pancreas

Cut section

Histopathology revealed well differentiated cystadenocarcinoma of pancreas

Choledochal cyst : Type IV A, with intrahepatic gallbladder in a 11 years male child.

Cyst excision with Lilly technique was done. Mucosa of the remnant cyst wall was fulgurated by bipolar cautery. Reconstruction was done by Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy.

Closed drain insertion for recurrent Liver abscess in a HIV positive patient.